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출처 https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2020/03/05/o...-revealed/



다음주 3월 11일에 출시되는 Ori and the Will of the Wisps 게임의 도전과제가 일부 공개되었습니다


이 게임의 출시 플랫폼은 XBOX ONE, Windows 10과 steam입니다


총 37개의 업적과 1000점의 게임 스코어 포인트가 있습니다





Tools of the Trade Unlock all Abilities 20
Mad Skills Upgrade all Abilities 60
Fully Slotted Upgrade all Shard Slots 15
Shard Hunter Unlock all Shards 30
Shard Specialist Upgrade all Shards 75
Healthy Max out Life 15
Powerful Max out Energy 15
Cartographer’s Protégé Buy all Maps from Lupo 20
Shrine Bright Complete all Spirit Shrines 30
Lost and Found Find all Collectibles 50
Mark of the Trader Complete the Trade Sequence Quest 20
Completionist Complete every Side Quest 30
Fixer Upper Complete all Wellspring Glades Projects 30
Speed Demon Complete all Spirit Trials 50
Juggling Act Juggle 3 or More Projectiles in the Air for Over 5 Seconds 15
Bring it On Defeat 5 Enemies Without Touching the Ground 15
High and Dry Avoid Touching any Corrupted Water 10
Damage Spike Defeat 3 Enemies with a Single Spike 10
Did I Do That? Defeat 10 Enemies using Environmental Hazards 10
Shardless Beat the Game Without Equipping a Shard 20
Lightless Beat the Game Without Spending any Spirit Light 40
Destiny Complete the Game 50
Hardcore Fan Complete Hard Mode 100
Look at the Time Complete the Game in Under 4 Hours 40
Immortal Complete the Game without Dying 50





Close Call Play the game to find out! 5
Take the Bug by the Horn Play the game to find out! 10
Laser Brain Play the game to find out! 5
Home Sweet Home Play the game to find out! 15
Let the Waters Flow Play the game to find out! 15
Icy Escape Play the game to find out! 15
Dark Triumph Play the game to find out! 20
Guardian’s Rest Play the game to find out! 20
Quick Sand Play the game to find out! 15
Stone Cold Play the game to find out! 20
Untouchable Play the game to find out! 20
Timely Demise Play the game to find out! 20
글쓴이 사울팽님의 최신글
  1. 2022-05-14 02:51 여러 이야기 > 별의 커비 디스커버리 엔딩과 후기 *2
  2. 2022-05-09 04:29 여러 이야기 > 마피아 데피니티브 에디션 엔딩과 후기 *6
  3. 2022-05-05 23:31 여러 이야기 > 데스페라도스3 재밌네요 *4
  4. 2022-01-27 17:32 여러 이야기 > 몬헌 월드 메인퀘 엔딩봤어요
  5. 2022-01-19 13:40 여러 이야기 > 휴가때 할 게임들 샀어요 *6

  • profile
    2020.03.11 11:54
    오리 시리즈가 또 나오는군요??ㅎㅎㅎ

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