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2017.04.21 00:13

MEGA Pick&Mix Build Your Own Bundle 2

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DRM Steam
출처 https://www.bundlestars.com/en/promotion...x-bundle-2
종료 시각 *종료시간 : 2017-05-20 00:00:00     *남은시간 : 00일 00:00:00



$1.49/5 , $2.49/10 , $3.99/20 Games
게임 평가 카드 번들이력
Alphadia Genesis 85% of 61 Reviews 1
Asdivine Hearts 69% of 39 Reviews - 3
Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones (FREE) 77% of 794 Reviews 2
Stealth Bastard Deluxe 90% of 797 Reviews 7
Explodemon 74% of 54 Reviews - 5
Cally's Caves 3 84% of 253 Reviews 4
Cally's Trials 68% of 86 Reviews - 3
Poöf 78% of 188 Reviews 3
Jim Power -The Lost Dimension 85% of 27 Reviews 3
DreamBreak 47% of 46 Reviews 0
Arkshot 91% of 86 Reviews 0
Californium 70% of 147 Reviews - 1
Access Denied 81% of 38 Reviews 0
Steel Invaders 82% of 87 Reviews 1
ZombieCarz 72% of 113 Reviews 1
Iron Commando - Koutetsu no Senshi 80% of 15 Reviews 2
Legend (1994) 56% of 30 Reviews 3
Trouble In The Manor 62% of 169 Reviews 7
Take Thy Throne 61% of 128 Reviews 5
johns.game 63% of 11 Reviews - 1
Sky Mercenaries 73% of 76 Reviews 4
Dorke and Ymp - of 6 Reviews 1
Visitors 73% of 23 Reviews - 2
HellAngel 52% of 161 Reviews 4
NEO-NOW! - of 7 Reviews 2
Puddle 73% of 404 Reviews 5
Storm 71% of 77 Reviews 2
Wooden Sen'SeY 65% of 90 Reviews 4
GAUGE 70% of 192 Reviews - 4
Crouching Pony Hidden Dragon 35% of 62 Reviews - 2
Replay - VHS is not dead 86% of 22 Reviews 2
Red Goblin: Cursed Forest 59% of 22 Reviews 4
Red Game Without A Great Name 87% of 32 Reviews 1
Ballistic Protection 59% of 226 Reviews 1
Mad Hunter 70% of 163 Reviews 1
Brain In My Head 49% of 95 Reviews 1
Nanoborg 64% of 113 Reviews 4
Nash Racing 52% of 21 Reviews 0
Finnish Roller 33% of 21 Reviews 3
The Blue Flamingo (FREE) 47% of 462 Reviews 5


5% 추가 할인 코드 : EASTER5 적용된다고 합니다. ( @파란바다 님 정보 감사합니다. )

글쓴이 아레스다님의 최신글
  1. 2019-10-02 11:32 여러 이야기 > 데스티니2 실행시 튕기시는 분들은 스팀 친구 수 확인해보세요. *17
  2. 2019-05-24 17:17 여러 이야기 > 아마존님 감사합니다. 넙죽 *27
  3. 2019-05-11 14:47 요청게시판 > 건의 *1
  4. 2019-03-25 18:27 여러 이야기 > G502 Proteus Core 휠&케이스 교체 - 노인학대범 *24
  5. 2019-03-07 18:31 여러 이야기 > 접속하신 사이트는 이용 기간이 만료되었습니다. *14

게임 목록

게임 한글화 위겜/메타 가격
Stealth Bastard Deluxe - - 80 ₩10,500
Puddle - - ₩8,500
Storm - - 63 ₩ 10,500 ₩ 2,100 -80%
Poöf - - ₩7,500
Wooden Sen'SeY - - ₩10,500
GAUGE - - ₩4,400
Explodemon - - ₩ 9,500 ₩ 1,045 -89%
Crouching Pony Hidden Dragon - - ₩2,200
The Blue Flamingo - - 55 ₩11,000
Alphadia Genesis - - ₩10,500
Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones - - ₩ 16,000 ₩ 1,600 -90%
Replay - VHS is not dead - - ₩10,500
Sky Mercenaries - - ₩10,500
Trouble In The Manor - - ₩1,100
Red Goblin: Cursed Forest - - ₩5,600
Jim Power -The Lost Dimension - - ₩19,500
Californium - - 64 ₩ 7,500 ₩ 975 -87%
Asdivine Hearts - 복합적 (50%) ₩ 10,500 ₩ 5,250 -50%
Legend (1994) - - ₩9,900
Cally's Caves 3 - 긍정적 (70%) ₩ 7,500 ₩ 1,500 -80%
Iron Commando - Koutetsu no Senshi - - ₩ 9,900 ₩ 3,465 -65%
Red Game Without A Great Name 공식 - 55 ₩0
DreamBreak - - 46 ₩7,500
Arkshot - - ₩5,500
Dorke and Ymp - - ₩ 9,900 ₩ 3,465 -65%
Cally's Trials - - ₩ 7,500 ₩ 1,500 -80%
Take Thy Throne - 부정적 (30%) ₩2,200
NEO-NOW! - - ₩ 1,100 ₩ 550 -50%
Nanoborg - - ₩1,100
Visitors - - ₩5,500
HellAngel - - ₩1,100
Ballistic Protection - - ₩1,100
Mad Hunter - - ₩4,400
Steel Invaders - - ₩1,100
Access Denied - - ₩ 3,400 ₩ 1,020 -70%
ZombieCarz - - ₩4,400
Brain In My Head - - ₩ 1,100 ₩ 550 -50%
Nash Racing - - ₩ 4,500 ₩ 765 -83%
Finnish Roller - - ₩1,100
johnsgame - - ₩0

Who's 아레스다

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첨부 '1'
  • profile
    볼로냐 2017.04.21 00:18
    정보 감사합니당
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    Gaonnuri 2017.04.21 00:48
    20개를 구매할수 있군요 !
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    이드v 2017.04.21 00:52
    헛 20개씩이나 되는군요
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    midoram 2017.04.21 01:00
    Californium <-- 이겜 하나보고 질럿네요. 세일할때 안사길 잘했네요. ^&^
  • profile
    mondayohoo 2017.04.21 01:28

    그동안 살까하다가 단품으로 사기 애매했던 것들.. 10개 모아서 샀네요.
    웬만한 번들보다 낫네요~~

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    우아한냉혹 2017.04.21 02:03
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    로니보스 2017.04.21 02:11
    오 카드 밭이!!!! 잘 샀어요 감사합니다 ㅋㅋ
  • profile
    ERASER 2017.04.21 05:03
    Californium 말고 딱히 끌리는게 없는데..저거 하나보고 꾸러미를 만들어야하나.
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    crys 2017.04.21 06:32
    싸긴한데..딱히 지를게 얼마 안보이는군요
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    임네닉 2017.04.21 09:00
    찜목록에 있던 게임이 여러개 보이네요.
    정보 감사합니다.
    할인코드 알려주신 @파란바다 님께도 감사드립니다.
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    리베르떼 2017.04.21 09:16
    정보 감사합니다!!!
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    BloodKari 2017.04.21 09:38
    카드게임 20개 저격해가야겠네요 감사합니다~
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    만행 2017.04.21 12:00
    덕분에 구매했습니다. ㅎㅎ
  • profile
    도끼 2017.04.21 12:10
    정보 감사합니다
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    또또요피빵실흰둥이 2017.04.21 17:39
    정보 감사합니다.
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    lmnv 2017.04.22 02:59
    정보 감사합니다.
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    마플 2017.04.22 05:17
    찜목록 게임이 2개나 있네요. 구매완료! 좋은정보 감사합니다.
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    ipuni 2017.04.22 08:16
    정보 고맙습니다 10개 구입 완료
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    funny_hand 2017.04.22 14:02
    저렴하니 20개 5% 할인코드 써서 $3.79에 구매완료~
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    미친앨리스 2017.05.13 08:23


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