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상점 -
출처 https://superhotgame.com/mcd-faq/
종료 시각 *종료시간 : 2020-07-17 01:00:00     *남은시간 : 00일 00:00:00


What’s up with that big launch giveaway?

Who is eligible for a free copy of SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE?


You’re eligible for a free copy of MCD if you purchased SUPERHOT before the 16th of July 2020 for Steam, PlayStation, Xbox, Epic Games Store, Origin, or GOG. This does not extend to major free giveaways like Twitch Prime, Games With Gold, and similar.

Basically, if you purchased SUPERHOT for one of the supported platforms and paid money for it at any time before the 16th of July 2020, then you’re probably a fantastic human being and you’re eligible for a free copy of SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE. How you acquire your free copy varies from platform to platform – see details below.


SUPERHOT: Mind Control Delete (이하 MCD) 무료 제공 자격은 어떻게 되나요?


SUPERHOT을 2020년 7월 16일 (한국시 17일 1시) 이전까지 스팀, PS, Xbox, EGS, 오리진, GOG에서 구매하신 분은 MCD(신작)을 무료로 제공받을 수 있습니다. (중략)

플랫폼마다 무료 제공의 방법이 다릅니다. 아래를 참조해주세요.



After 16.07.2020 will new purchases of SUPERHOT include MCD for free?


No, this is a one-time event. Purchasing SUPERHOT will only make you eligible for a free copy of MIND CONTROL DELETE until 16.07.2020. This means that 16.07.2020 (6PM CEST) will be the last day to qualify to receive a free SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE by purchasing SUPERHOT.


16일 이후에도 SUPERHOT 구매시 MCD를 무료 제공하나요?


아니요. 이 프로모션은 일회성입니다. MCD 무료의 자격은 16일까지 SUPERHOT 구매자에 한해서입니다.



What if I received my copy of SUPERHOT for free?


This offer only applies to copies of SUPERHOT bought before the release.

If you didn’t purchase SUPERHOT, you should not expect a free MCD. Acquiring SUPERHOT through a big free giveaway like Games With Gold, Twitch Prime, Game Pass, or similar does not qualify you for a free copy of MCD.


SUPERHOT을 무료로 받았을 경우는 어떤가요?


이 프로모션은 출시 이전에 SUPERHOT을 구매 한 경우에만 적용됩니다.

게임을 구매하지 않았다면 MCD를 제공할 수 없습니다.

Games With Gold (Xbox), 트위치 프라임, 게임패스 (Xbox) 또는 비슷한 이벤트들로 게임을 획득한 경우 MCD 무료 제공받을 수 없습니다.



Why are you doing this, giving away two million games for free seems insane?


We’re incredibly lucky and privileged thanks to you. The support of you and all of those customers like you allows us to keep the studio independent. You let us run it however we please, without care about bottom lines and profit margins. You let us do weird things – invest in crazy experiments that will never see the light of day, build things that are trying to help other video game studios, even directly fund and support beautiful tiny indie devs in SUPERHOT PRESENTS.

You’re allowing us to continue to do weird and wonderful things with our lives. It only seems fair that we try to return the favor. As a tiny token of our gratitude, we hope that coordinating this massive, complicated giveaway scheme helps bring a bit more joy into your life.


200만 게임을 무료로 풀다니 미쳤어요, 왜 그래요?


우리는 여러분들 덕분에 정말로 운이 좋았습니다. 여러분과 모든 고객들의 후원은 스튜디오의 독립성을 유지하게 해주었습니다. (중략)

은혜를 갚는 것입니다

우리의 작은 감사 표시로 당신의 인생에 조금이라도 더 많은 즐거움을 가져다 주기를 희망합니다.



How can I redeem my free copy if I purchased SUPERHOT on Steam?
A free copy of MIND CONTROL DELETE will be added automatically to your library immediately after the release, ready to download and enjoy. It won’t hurt to go and wishlist it while you wait though: link.


How can I redeem my free copy if I purchased SUPERHOT as a Steam Key (on Humble, or any other third party storefront)?
A free copy of MIND CONTROL DELETE will be added automatically to your Steam library immediately after the release, ready to download and enjoy. No need to do anything on the storefront you used for your original purchase. It won’t hurt to go and wishlist it while you wait though: link.


How can I redeem my free copy if I purchased SUPERHOT on GOG?
A free copy of MIND CONTROL DELETE will be added automatically to your GOG account immediately after the release, ready to download and enjoy.


How can I redeem my free copy if I purchased SUPERHOT on Epic Games Store?
A free copy of MIND CONTROL DELETE will be added automatically to your Epic Games Store library immediately after the release, ready to download and enjoy.

Please note that owners who acquired their copy of SUPERHOT as part of the big Winter Holiday free game giveaway are not eligible for a free copy of MCD (Sorry! We 100% adore you guys, but there’s a bit too many of you. You will however unlock a special, deep loyalty launch discount, though.


How can I redeem my free copy if I purchased SUPERHOT on PlayStation 4?

A free copy of MIND CONTROL DELETE will be added automatically to your PlayStation 4 games library within a few days after the release.  The logistics for this can take a bit of time. Please allow up to a week of patience before you panic that your game is missing.


How can I redeem my free copy if I purchased SUPERHOT on Xbox One?
Eligible owners on Xbox will receive a token for their copy of MIND CONTROL DELETE via a system message, most will arrive within 7 days of launch. Please note that owners who acquired their copy of SUPERHOT for free as part of Games With Gold are not eligible for the free MCD offer (Sorry! We still love you all, but there’s way too many of you.)


스팀 / 스팀키(험블 등 외부 상점을 통해서) / GOG / 에픽게임 스토어 / PS4 / Xbox One 로 구매한 경우는 어떻게 무료 게임을 받나요?

MCD는 출시 후 라이브러리에 자동으로 추가될 것입니다.

에픽스토어 무료 제공으로 받은 경우는 자격 없습니다.

PS4 느릴 수 있어요. 최대 일주일 기다려주세요.

Xbox one 골드 무료로 받은 경우 자격 없습니다.




How can I redeem my free copy if I purchased SUPERHOT on Origin Store?
Please send us your receipt to [email protected] and we’ll hook you up with an activation key. Please note that players who played the original SUPERHOT in the Origin Access subscription are not eligible for this offer (Sorry!).


오리진에서 구매는요?

구매 영수증을 [email protected] 로 보내주시면 키를 보내드리겠습니다.

Access 구독으로 받은 경우 자격 없습니다.




How can I redeem my free copy if I purchased SUPERHOT on Nintendo Switch?
We’re not releasing or announcing MCD for Switch right now. We’ll let everyone know if this changes. In the meantime, if you can’t wait for a Switch release then please send us the Nintendo e-shop receipt for your original SUPERHOT purchase to [email protected] and we’ll hook you up with a DRM-free copy for PC.

How can I redeem my free copy if I purchased SUPERHOT on Windows Store?
We’re not releasing or announcing MCD for Windows Store right now. We’ll let everyone know if this changes. In the meantime, if you can’t wait for a Windows Store release then please send us the receipt for your original SUPERHOT purchase to [email protected] and we’ll hook you up with a DRM-free copy for PC.

How can I redeem my free copy if I purchased SUPERHOT on itch.io?
We don’t have an itch version up just yet. In the meantime, please send us the receipt for your original SUPERHOT purchase to [email protected] and we’ll hook you up with a DRM-free copy for PC.


닌텐도 스위치 / 윈도우 스토어 / itch.io 구매는요?

이 플랫폼용 MCD를 출시, 발표하지 못했습니다. 변경 사항이 있으면 모두에게 알려드리겠습니다. 그동안 기다리지 못하겠다면 이메일로 구매 영수증 보내주시면 PC용의 DRM-free 버전을 보내드리겠습니다.





스팀: https://store.steampowered.com/app/322500/SUPERHOT/
스팀 MCD: https://store.steampowered.com/app/690040/SUPERHOT_MIND_CONTROL_DELETE/

SUPERHOT Very Positive (88%) 4 $0.00 $24.99

EGS: https://www.epicgames.com/store/ko/product/superhot/home
EGS MCD: https://www.epicgames.com/store/ko/product/superhot-mind-control-delete/home

Windows 10: https://www.microsoft.com/ko-kr/p/superhot-windows-10/9nv17mjb26pg

Xbox: https://www.microsoft.com/ko-kr/p/superhot/bvz0d05w8mp2
PS/us: https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP2613-CUSA09030_00-USSUPERHOTGAME00

스위치/us: https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/superhot-switch/

글쓴이 늑대와향신료님의 최신글
  1. 2023-12-06 07:27 게임 할인/무료 > Humble Choice 2023년 12월 *25
  2. 2023-12-05 23:38 게임 할인/무료 > Killer Bundle 28 *6
  3. 2023-12-05 23:11 여러 이야기 > Steamgifts Holiday Event *4
  4. 2023-12-04 08:38 게임 할인/무료 > Kairosoft I Like Unity Fair 5 80%할인 (9,120원) *4
  5. 2023-12-02 15:43 게임 할인/무료 > The Jingle Jam 2023 Games Collection *15

게임 목록

게임 한글화 위겜/메타 가격
SUPERHOT 공식 긍정적 (82%) 82 ₩25,000

Who's 늑대와향신료



  1. 유저 스크립트 관리자 설치

  2. EnhanceITCM 다운로드 및 설치


▼ 펼쳐 보기
  • profile
    LuciDioBest 2020.07.11 00:03
    좋은 정보감사합니다 스팀 가보니 17년에 구매했군요
    물론 해본적은 없습니다;
  • profile
    리베르떼 2020.07.10 21:26
    오 예~ 감사함돠!!
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    늑대와향신료 2020.07.10 22:16
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    kerakera 2020.07.10 21:52

    저는 스팀 번들 키로 등록해서 해당 사항에 포함 되겠네요.

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    늑대와향신료 2020.07.10 22:16
    네 험블번들이나 심지어 예전 g2a번들도 자격될 거에요. 모두 키 등록이니까요.
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    후회없는삶 2020.07.10 22:59
    첫줄에 egs 구매라 적혀있어서 무료로 받은 사람도 되겠다 라는 희망을 가졌지만

    마지막줄에 egs 무료배포는 안됩니다라는 말을 보고 아쉬움을 가졌습니다.

    좋은 정보 감사합니다
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    LuciDio 2020.07.11 00:03
    좋은 정보감사합니다 스팀 가보니 17년에 구매했군요
    물론 해본적은 없습니다;
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    무지개애교 2020.07.11 03:23
    정보 감사합니다 :)
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    한량한낙엽 2020.07.11 07:29
    오우 신작을! 감사히 받겠습니다.
    정보 감사드려요~!
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    fghj1 2020.07.11 10:34

    '게이머즈게이트'에서 70%로 할인하고 있습니다. isthereanydeal 에서 검색해보니 에픽스토어에서 무료로 배포하기 전에 최저가가 7.49$ 인것 같아요. 근데 게이머즈게이트에서는 7.50$ 로 판매 중이에요.

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    리프란 2020.07.11 11:38
    무료 획득이라 좀 아깝네요..
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    맛있는듸냐_ 2020.07.11 15:15
    정보와 나눔 감사드려요 ㅎㅎ
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    msxx00 2020.07.12 10:36
    어이쿠... 일단 라이브러리 +1 되겠네요.
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    피자천국 2020.07.14 21:56
    정보 감사합니다~

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