이번 달 선공개는 전혀 취향이 아니어서 결제는 생각도 안했는데 자동 결제가 되네요..ㅠㅠ


그래서 환불하려고 네이버 검색해보고 환불 신청을 했는데..


환불 사유적고 밑에  Transaction ID 라는 거 13자리를 적어야 된다고 해서 그것도 다 적어서 환불 신청했는데


이런 메일이 왔더라구요..


제 짧은 영어로는 환불 사유와  Transaction ID 를 적어 보내라는 말 밖에 이해가 안되는데 이미 적어보냈는데


또 보내야 하나요? 아니면 그냥 기다리면 될까요? 토요일에 환불 신청했는데.. 일요일에 이 메일 오고 변화가 없네요ㅠ


Hi there,

We have received your email for help (case #1223169) and are currently assigning it to one of our Support Representatives.

Based on the category you selected when filing your request, we believe you would like to speak with us about a refund for an order you placed.

First, it should be noted that while we attempt to reply to everyone's request within 24 hours, occasionally we are unable to attend to requests immediately. *If you are awaiting a refund so that you can place an order for content that is only available for a limited time, go ahead and place the order now*. We don't want you to miss out on content that is only available for a limited time and we are more than happy to provide you with a refund if the situation doesn't end up satisfying you. We cannot re-open a sale or other limited time promotion after it has ended.

If you have already provided your transaction ID, no need to act further. Otherwise, the instructions below will help you locate the necessary information:

Next, there are a couple pieces of information which will allow us to efficiently process your request:

1. Refund reason
2. Transaction ID of the order

The transaction ID is a 13-character code included on the receipt for your order which begins with the letter X or the letter A. If you can locate this code, please provide it in a reply if you have not given it to us in your initial request. The transaction ID is a particularly useful bit of information because it allows us to locate orders even when they are not associated with your account or email address.

## PayPal or Amazon Payments
If you used PayPal or Amazon Payments to make your purchase, you can find your order's transaction ID in your payment history on your payment account. The information may also be found in your email inbox if you can locate the receipt for your purchase.

The Humble Transaction ID looks like this on PayPal:


On Amazon Payments, the Humble Transaction ID looks like this:

![Amazon Payments](https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/article_attachments/202633298/TID_Amazon3.png)

If you have any difficulty locating your transaction ID, we have a help article to assist you with locating the code:

[Finding your Transaction ID](https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/202556850-Finding-your-Transaction-ID)

## Debt/Credit Card (Stripe)
If you used the "Pay with Card" option and entered your billing information directly on our website and you have not received a receipt for your purchase, we can look up your order using your billing information. If your order falls into this situation, please provide the following information:

* The last 4 digits on the card used to make the purchase
* The expiration date on the card
* The name on the card
* Date of purchase
* Amount of purchase

## Other payment option
If you happened to use a different type of payment option, no worries! Simply let us know which payment processor you used for your purchase and we'll follow up with instructions to help you out.

If you have managed to fix the issue yourself or the mercenaries invading your quaint mountain village have retreated, reply to this email with "#resolve”.

To add additional comments, please reply to this email.

글쓴이 님의 최신글
  1. 2020-05-30 06:22 이야기 > 혹시 튜닝 램에 대해 아시는 분 계실까요.. *12
  2. 2020-05-02 04:21 이야기 > 스팀과 다렉에서 파는 엑스컴2 컬렉션 구성이 다른 건가요?? *5
  3. 2020-04-30 16:49 이야기 > 최근 패키지 게임에 흥미가 없었는데 포샤가 생각외로 재밋네요ㅎㅎ *10
  4. 2020-04-23 17:36 이야기 > 혹시 배틀넷 게임 플레이 타임 확인법 아시는 분 계신가요? *7
  5. 2020-04-05 18:37 이야기 > 에픽 쿠폰을 써야하는데 뭘 살지 고민이네요..ㅠ *20

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